#10 - The Eternal Cycle of the Phoenix

Creation, destruction, and rebirth

By Armaan Athwal

The Eternal Cycle of the Phoenix

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 6 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Essence of the Phoenix: Understanding the nature and realm of the mythical creature

  • The eternal cycle

  • Vision and rebirth

  • Noble sacrifice

  • Quote of the day

Essence of the Phoenix

A mythical bird known as the Phoenix was described by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians as a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Only one Phoenix lived at a time, and each was said to have a 500-year lifespan. Before the end of its life, the Phoenix built a nest and set itself on fire. From the ashes, a new Phoenix would emerge.

The Phoenix draws its essence from the primal element of fire, a force that predates even the most primitive tools of humankind. Fire, one of the oldest artifacts known to us, symbolizes not only warmth and light but also the spark of life and the pursuit of truth.

The Phoenix embodies the concept of immortality and the perpetual cycle of transformation. It lives, undergoes profound transformation, faces its demise, and is reborn, time and time again.

This eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth is the ever-present cycle of existence, where each end is but a new beginning. With each rebirth, the Phoenix emerges stronger, wiser, and more resilient, carrying forward the essence of its past selves.

With each cycle of rebirth, the Phoenix dives deeper into the mysteries of existence, gaining insights and wisdom that transcend time.

The Phoenix gains greater knowledge and a clear view of the broader vision that exists beyond death as it rises again from the flames. As it rises again and again, it takes on more and more of the timeless principles that rule the universe.

The Eternal Cycle

Every aspect of existence has a connection with the cycle of death and rebirth, which reflects the fundamental essence of life in all its variety and complexity.

This cycle fundamentally reflects the eternal path of legacy and lineage. From the faraway beginnings of our ancestors to the present, every generation passes on an invaluable legacy of knowledge, experience, and customs to the following. Through their life experiences, our parents and ancestors pass on to us not only their genetic legacy but also the wisdom they gained along the way.

We march on, carrying on the flame of our ancestors. We, in turn, contribute our own pieces to the history, influencing the world that we live in by our distinct viewpoints, goals, and pursuits, while being able to pass it on to the next generation.

This cycle goes far beyond just family relationships. It is seen in nature, which shows up in everything from the growth and decay of ecosystems to the seasonal changes. Every sunrise indicates the start of something new, and every sunset indicates changes and endings.

We are witnesses to the eternal cycle of creation and destruction that shapes the world around us in every cycle. This cycle of death and rebirth is present in all living things, from the largest celestial bodies to the tiniest bacteria. This shows how interconnected all life is.

Vision and Rebirth

The Phoenix is depicted as an eagle and among the eagle’s notable characteristics is its remarkable vision, which goes beyond just sight. It encompasses perception and insight.

Vision is incredibly important to our growth and evolution. Without it, we are unable to perceive the possibilities that lie beyond our current circumstances, hindering our ability to undergo the transformative process of rebirth.

To progress, we must cultivate a clear vision and perspective, allowing us to recognize the need for change and embrace the opportunity for renewal. Just as the Phoenix must willingly embrace its fiery end to experience rebirth, so too must we be willing to let go of old beliefs, habits, and attachments that no longer serve us.

But we also need to be careful about what we let go and what we can afford to let go, so that we don't give up things that are vital to our progress. Letting go is a process that takes courage and knowledge as one must carefully balance letting go of the old and creating room for the new.

We open ourselves up to the possibility of transformation and innovation when we accept the cycle of death and rebirth. The destruction of the old makes room for the emergence of new ideas, viewpoints, and opportunities.

Noble Sacrifice

The Phoenix meets its end on its own terms, making the decision to sacrifice itself.

For us to experience growth, we too must be willing to make sacrifices on our own terms, which is the only way. Sacrifice shouldn’t be viewed as a scary idea. Sacrifice embodies nobility and strength, as it means your willing to give up something for the sake of a better future for yourself, your family, society, or the world.

This could be transitioning to a new and better job, which means leaving behind your old job. It could mean letting go of old beliefs and habits that are no longer helpful in order to grow and move forward. It could also mean ending relationships to embrace healthier ones.

Embrace the periods of creation because they won’t last forever. Outlast the periods of destruction because destruction comes right before rebirth. Enjoy this never ending cycle.

Quote of the Day

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Every day is a brand new start that allows us to be reborn, stronger and wiser than before. Take advantage of the new opportunities and possibilities.