#12 - Owning Your Life's Story

A tale of finding life's focus despite outside noise

By Armaan Athwal

Owning Your Life's Story

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 6 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Finding focus: A Buddhist tale of distraction and focus

  • Navigating distractions

  • Finding happiness on your own terms

  • Quote of the day

Finding Focus

I came upon a very meaningful Buddhist story recently, and it came at a very opportune time for me. A flood of outside distractions was cluttering my mind and leading me astray from my path, but the story's perspective helped me regain my focus. You can find the full story here if you're interested. To put it shortly:

A student monk went to his master and expressed his desire to leave the temple and join another monastery.

The student explained that he found the atmosphere in the current temple toxic, mentioning the other monks engaging in politics and spreading negativity, including gossip about him and the master. He longed for a more peaceful and quiet environment elsewhere.

The student's plea for transfer was met with agreement by the master, but with one condition before he could leave. Filling a spoon with water, the master instructed the student to carry it around the entire monastery without spilling a single drop. If he can do this task, he could leave.

The student took the spoonful of water and carefully carried it around the monastery with full focus. After a few hours the student came back without spilling a single drop of water. Excited that he was able to do such task, he asks the master to keep his promise and let him go to a peaceful monastery.

The master, as promised, agreed to let him go. However, before the student left, he asked if, while carrying the spoon around the monastery, he had heard any of the monks talking about politics? Or, any of the other monks gossiping about others? Or, even hear any of the monks talking about any negative stuff?

The students says he did not as he was fully focused on the spoon and did not have time to listen to all the noises.

The master explains that if you are fully focused on your goal and fully focused on your purpose, then you don’t have time to listen to all those negative noises. There will always be toxic and negative people anywhere you go in the world, but if you are truly focused then all the negative people and words are nothing but noises.

Navigating Distractions

There will always be outside distractions no matter where or when you are. The important thing is to remain focused on your path and concentrate on your own journey. Stay true to your beliefs and don't alter them based on the opinions of others.

In particular, with the presence of social media, you may encounter posts that prompt you to question your own life choices. You might wonder why you aren't living a seemingly "glorious" life like those you see online. However, it's important to remember that what people post is often the highlight reel of their lives. They don't typically share moments that portray them in a negative light. Instead, they curate their posts to present the best version of themselves.

Understand that social media frequently gives a false impression of reality. Making yourself feel unsatisfied by comparing yourself to these idealized representations can be harmful. Instead, focus on your own journey and celebrate your unique path, free from the influence of others' perceptions.

By directing your attention to the “spoon” of your own life, you can control your own destiny.

Finding Happiness on Your Own Terms

You always possess the power to take control of your life and perceive situations uniquely, through your own lens.

True happiness stems from learning to find contentment in all circumstances, regardless of conditions or surroundings.

However, this doesn't imply that you should remain or force yourself to stay in unsuitable environments. As the saying goes, "The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg."

Just as some people respond differently to the same situation, it's important to recognize and honor your own reactions and needs. Each person's journey is unique, and finding happiness may involve making changes to your environment or circumstances.

It's essential to listen to your instincts and prioritize your well-being, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone or seeking new opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Remember, happiness lies in authenticity and alignment with your true self.

Quote of the Day

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” - Steve Maraboli

Shifting your focus from what you cannot control to what you can, you open the door for major change and become the owner of your life.