#15 - Staying Levelheaded

Power of slowing down

By Armaan Athwal

Staying Levelheaded

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 4 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • How slowing down prevents compound mistakes

  • Progress in motion: Understanding the dynamics of slowing down

  • Quote of the day

Prevent Compound Mistakes

One of the most crucial realizations I've embraced is the power of slowing down. For someone like me, who stresses out easily, trying to calm myself down has been highly useful. When I can't find that inner calm, the stress tends to escalate, leading to a cascade of negative effects. It's a vicious cycle.

This cycle is referred to as "compound mistakes." It describes how one mistake or stressor can often lead to another, creating a snowball effect of negative consequences. When we're stressed, our judgment can become clouded, making it more likely for us to make errors or react impulsively, which in turn makes the situation worse overall.

Slowing down plays a crucial role in disrupting this pattern. By taking a moment to pause and regain your composure, you can interrupt the chain reaction of errors and make more thoughtful decisions.

In such situations, the most effective approach is to take some time for yourself, whether it's just few minutes, 10 minutes, an hour, or even a day, to cool off and recalibrate your thoughts. Certain challenges require you to pause and reflect. Sometimes, it's essential to allow your mind to unwind and process before tackling the issue at hand. This downtime often leads to a fresh perspective and enhances problem-solving capabilities.

This is why some of the best solutions often come when we "sleep on it."

Progress in Motion

Slowing down doesn't equal stopping!

It's about finding a balanced pace that allows for sustained progress. It's essential to keep moving forward, even if it's just taking small steps. Progress can still occur as long as there's forward momentum.

Consider running as an example of this principle. When tackling long distances, the temptation to stop can be overwhelming. However, maintaining momentum becomes valuable. Because once you stop, restarting becomes daunting. Muscles stiffen and inertia sets in, making it challenging to regain the rhythm.

If you stop, the flow and pace is gone. It feels nearly impossible to start back up.

This approach occurs in anything as when we slow down, we loose that vital momentum. Even if we're taking small strides, we're still inching closer to our goals. It's about harnessing the energy and rhythm we've built to propel ourselves forward continuously.

The key is consistency. By persistently moving forward, even when the pace is slowed, we prevent stagnation and ensure that progress remains constant.

Think about the classic story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare, confident in its speed, races ahead without pause, while the tortoise moves steadily, one step at a time. In this story, the hare's relentless pace ultimately leads to arrogance and complacency, while the tortoise's steady progress ensures a consistent advance. It's a reminder that the race isn't always won by the fastest, but by those who maintain a consistent pace and know when to pause, reflect, and adjust their course.

As I mentioned earlier, taking the time to pause and recalibrate isn't the same as stopping altogether. If you zoom out and view it in terms of life's grand scheme, even just a day can be seen as a brief interval between strides, allowing for reflection and adjustment before continuing on.

Quote of the Day

“Harmony is our natural state of being, and so, when our energies become too stagnant, chaos is thrown into the mix to stimulate what will eventually result in balance and invite flow. The trick is to not let chaos trap or define you… simply allow it to create movement in the vehicle of your life so that you can snap your eyes open and take back control of the wheel. Do not lose yourself in the storm, instead, be the calm in the storm.” - Alaric Hutchinson

Remain calm amidst the storm to retain control of your life's direction.