#17 - How to Take the Next Step

Forward momentum

By Armaan Athwal

How to Take the Next Step

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 6 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • A guide on navigating various challenges and obstacles in order to take the next step.

  • Learn practical strategies and techniques for overcoming fear, gathering information, managing risks, controlling variables, and creating consistent progress towards achieving your goals.

  • Quote of the day

Forward Momentum

Taking the next step can be a tough challenge, whether you're aiming for a personal milestone, a career advancement, launching a new project, or literally anything you are trying to achieve. These steps are for anyone feeling stuck or hesitant about moving forward. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a student, or someone seeking a significant life change, these steps have guided me in moving forward. I hope they will help you overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, and pave your way to success.

Here's how to confidently take that next step and turn your goals into achievements:

1. Get over the mental block

The first step is the hardest. Overcoming the initial barrier, whether it's fear, doubt, or inertia, is crucial.

It's completely normal to feel anxious or scared because you don’t know what's on the other side. You might be unsure about what to do, what sacrifices you'll have to make, or whether you'll even succeed.

What you need to understand is that if you take the next step and fail, nothing catastrophic happens. Instead, you gain valuable experience and wisdom. Each failure is a learning opportunity that brings you closer to success.

Each time you fail, tell yourself, "Oh well, on to the next." Failure isn't the end of the road, life keeps moving forward. Stay resilient and relentless.

2. Gather information

Looking at a wall without knowing what's on the other side can be terrifying. The way to overcome this fear is by charging at it head-on. Open the door and discover what's beyond. Often, the fear diminishes when you face it directly.

Equip yourself with the necessary knowledge before proceeding. Research thoroughly, seek advice, and gather all relevant data. Being well-informed helps you make confident and strategic decisions.

Understanding the details can alleviate much of the fear. When you have a clear picture of what lies ahead, the unknown becomes less intimidating. Knowledge equips you with the confidence to tackle challenges and reduces the power of fear over your actions.

When crafting this newsletter, I initially felt overwhelmed by the number of platforms available. To make sure I made the best choice, I took the time to inform myself. I conducted thorough research on each platform, meticulously noting their pros and cons. Armed with this information, I confidently made the decision that I believed would be the most suitable for my needs. Being informed took away a lot of my worries.

I went with the newsletter platform Beehiiv, for those who are curious. This platform is amazing and is filled with a bunch of features that perfectly align with my needs. From its user-friendly interface to its robust analytics tools, Beehiiv offers everything I was looking for to streamline my newsletter creation process.

I highly recommend Beehiiv. Here is my partner link, which offers you a 30-day trial plus 20% off for the first 3 months for anyone looking to start their own newsletter: https://www.beehiiv.com?via=armaan-athwal 

3. Don’t risk it all (Unless you can afford to)

Risking it all for the gold might seem cool and badass. However, for the majority of us, that's not realistic. Many of us have families depending on us, or we lack the financial capability to take such risks, or you just don’t have enough time to risk. But that doesn't mean we can't pursue our goals.

Focus on making calculated moves that align with your circumstances.

I highly recommend blocking out a specific time in your day that works best for you and prioritizing it above all else. Consider this your dedicated "me" time—a period you're willing to sacrifice to pursue your goals. Choose a duration that suits your schedule, even if it's just 1 hour, 30 minutes, or even 15 minutes. These small increments of time add up significantly. In a month, 1 hour equates to 30 hours, 30 minutes equals 15 hours, and 15 minutes amounts to 7.5 hours. This consistent dedication is all you need to start making progress and become proficient in your endeavors.

It might require a bit of sacrifice to carve out this time, but there are various ways to find it. For instance, you could cut back on social media usage or reduce the time spent watching TV.

4. Control your variables

Input = output

When you have a clear understanding of what you need to invest to achieve a desired outcome, fear diminishes.

However, this doesn’t mean that you will know precisely what outcome to expect. If it were that straightforward, our results would always mirror our investments.

It's more about understanding which actions will lead you to your goals.

For example, by sticking to a well-structured workout routine and sustaining a balanced diet, you're almost certainly going to witness positive changes in both your physical health and appearance. Consistent dedication to your fitness goals, coupled with a personalized plan, ensures tangible progress over time. It's hard to imagine not experiencing improvements in your physical well-being when you commit to proper training and nutrition.

5. Create consistent small wins

Break down your goal into smaller, achievable tasks. Celebrate these minor victories along the way to maintain motivation and build confidence. Consistent small wins pave the path to larger successes.

This will create ripples of momentum, eventually boosting your confidence to the point where you'll wonder why you didn't take the step sooner.

Quote of the Day

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” - Brian Tracy

Embrace gratitude as your guide, recognizing each step forward as a stepping stone to greater things ahead.