#18 - Lessons from Rumi and Personal Reflections

Exploring Rumi's teachings and my own poem

By Armaan Athwal

Lessons from Rumi and Personal Reflections

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 6 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Lessons from Rumi in the poem "Here I Am"

  • A poem I wrote inspired by Rumi, reflecting on life's journey, resilience, and personal growth

  • Quote of the day

Here I Am

I have recently been reading poetry by Rumi. I've found myself drawn to the captivating verses of Rumi, a beacon of wisdom. Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian poet whose words continue to echo through history, touching hearts and souls with insights into the human experience and the mysteries of existence.

Rumi's poetry serves as a guiding light for seekers of truth and wisdom. His teachings, rooted in Sufi mysticism and universal love, continue to inspire generations, offering solace, inspiration, and a pathway to spiritual enlightenment.

As I was reading through Rumi's poems, one particular poem really stood out to me, captivating my attention and igniting a spark of enlightenment within me. Titled "Here I Am."

Here I Am

All night, a man called ‘Allah’

Until his lips were bleeding.

Then the Devil said, ‘Hey! Mr Gullible!

How comes you’ve been calling all night

And never once heard Allah say, ‘Here, I am’?

You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?

I’ll tell you what. Nothing!’

The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.

Depressed, he threw himself on the ground

And fell into a deep sleep.

In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked,

‘Why are you regretting praising Allah?’

The man said, ‘ I called and called

But Allah never replied, ‘Here I am.’

Abraham explained, ‘Allah has said,

‘Your calling my name is My reply.

Your longing for Me is My message to you.

All your attempts to reach Me

Are in reality My attempts to reach you.

Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.

In the silence surrounding every call of ‘Allah’

Waits a thousand replies of ‘Here I am.’

Whether you are religious or not, the poem resonates deeply because it addresses a universal human experience: the yearning for connection and affirmation.

The poem goes over the concept that our earnest efforts and sincere calls, whether directed towards a higher power, personal goals, or deeper self-understanding, are met with a response even if it isn't immediately apparent. The poem suggests that the act of calling out, the very expression of longing and desire, is itself a form of reply from the universe or the divine.

It can be seen as a metaphor for the struggles and pursuits we face in life. Often, we strive and yearn for success, love, or understanding, feeling that our efforts go unnoticed or unreciprocated. Yet, Rumi's words remind us that the journey and the effort are intrinsically valuable. The pursuit itself is an indication of our passion and commitment, and in that pursuit, we can find meaning and fulfillment.

It also speaks to the idea of perseverance in the face of doubt and discouragement. If someone tries to dissuade you from your passionate pursuit, like the Devil does in the poem, the true test is whether you allow that to stop you. Rumi suggests that the depth of your passion and commitment is already a response and a sign of progress. Even when faced with obstacles, continuing on your path with faith and determination is key, for it is through these challenges that we often find our greatest strength and affirmation.

The Traveler

Inspired by Rumi's poetry, I decided to craft my own poem in a similar style.

My poem reflects on the winding road of life, the strength found in adversity, and the importance of embracing both the known and the unknown with an open heart. Through this creative process, I aimed to capture some of the lessons Rumi teaches: the beauty of perseverance, the growth that comes from hardship, and the peace that lies in embracing life's mysteries.

The Traveler

A traveler treads a winding road,

where destiny and time are stowed.

Looking upon the beautiful sky light,

The great canvas shows a shimmering flight.

In each star, a true story unfolds,

a tale of triumphs, of love that molds.

Going through life like seasons, from spring to fall,

with ups and downs, such as a bouncing ball.

The mountains rise, and valleys descend

a journey of battle scars, wounds to mend.

Remembering when the weight held him down,

he trudges nonstop forward with a frown.

His spirit damaged, but not broken,

through trials endured, a strength unspoken.

Through all hardship, he faced trials untold,

a determined man, relentless and bold.

Yet, with adversity, resilience grew,

each step forward making a breakthrough.

The traveler seeks a new sunrise,

a future filled with different surprises.

Seeking the end where the unknown lies,

tomorrows mystery, veiled in a sweet surprise.

Leaving behind what burdens and hurts the soul,

embrace the unknown, let destinies unroll.

Coming this far along, at last a smile,

while continuing the journey mile by mile.

The moon whispers secrets in the night,

guiding the traveler toward the light.

Through time’s woven tapestry, he guides,

a tale of growth, where new leaves abide.

Despite going through aches and pain,

these experiences led to much gain.

Amidst the chaos, change did arrange,

Viewing experiences in a wide range.

The long winding road may twist and turn,

but, with each bend, new lessons to learn.

While looking ahead with hopeful eyes,

the traveler continues to the open skies.

For in the journey, the heart finds peace,

a traveler’s soul, a sweet release.

Quote of the Day

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” - Rumi

Our wounds are not just sources of pain, but also portals through which enlightenment enters our lives.