#20 - Feeding Curiosity

Discovery, paying attention, and a challenge for you

By Armaan Athwal

Feeding Curiosity

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 4 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Intrinsic Drive: The curious minds behind innovation

  • Beauty of Curiosity: Nurturing awareness and exploration

  • Curiosity Challenge: Write down three things each day that you…

  • Quote of the day

Intrinsic Drive

Every person who has come up with something big, grand, and spectacular was driven by curiosity.

Every business and company started with someone who was curious about their ideas.

Every groundbreaking invention and scientific discovery emerged from the mind of a curious individual.

Every breakthrough in technology and medicine began with someone who questioned the status quo.

These people pursued their curiosity. They took their questions and curiosities and ran with them. They built their ventures and innovations through grappling with their ideas, and as they progressed, more questions arose, fueling even greater curiosity.

Curiosity is an intrinsic motivator that drives exploration and discovery. It compels us to dive deeper, to seek out the unknown, and to challenge existing boundaries. This relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding leads to remarkable achievements and breakthroughs. It builds creativity, propels innovation, and ultimately shapes the world in transformative ways. Without curiosity, progress would stagnate, and the advancements that define our modern era would remain unrealized.

Think about any pursuits you have, their origins come from curiosity.

Whether that pursuit is a hobby, a career, sport, or a personal project, the initial spark was likely a question or a desire to understand something better. This curiosity propels you forward, driving you to learn, experiment, and progress.

Beauty of Curiosity

I think curiosity is one of the most beautiful qualities we possess as beings. It allows us to perceive the world in a unique and nuanced way, which is all part of life.

Everyone finds their own meaning in life, but one thing is for sure: we want to get the most meaning from it with the little time we have. Curiosity allows this by prompting us to question and explore the world around us.

I think the best way to spark these questions is by simply paying more attention.

The more we pay attention, the more we start to notice things we would usually miss, leading to more questions. This heightened awareness helps us become better and deeper observers of the world. By cultivating this habit of attentive observation, we open ourselves to a wealth of new experiences and insights. This, in turn, fuels our curiosity, encouraging us to explore further and learn more, enriching our lives and expanding our understanding of the world.

Curiosity Challenge

Here's a challenge for you that can help you pay more attention and possibly spark your curiosity.

Write down three things each day that you:

  • See for the first time

  • catches your attention

  • Wows you

  • Makes you ask questions

  • Learn something new from

  • Appreciate

Basically, anything that makes you think and brings a fresh perspective to your day. By actively seeking out and acknowledging these moments, you'll cultivate a mindset of curiosity and appreciation for the world around you.

For me today, those three things are: a golden cross with intricate architecture atop a church, a group of sparrows hopping together and pecking at the ground, and a new perspective gained from reading "Scars and Stripes" by Tim Kennedy and Nick Palmisciano.

By doing this, I've noticed that my appreciation for things has increased, and it has generated even more wonder within me. This simple practice has opened my eyes to the beauty and complexity of the world around me, creating a deeper sense of gratitude and curiosity.

Quote of the Day

All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing and not moving toward excellence.” - Denis Waitley

Curiosity fuels growth and discovery.