#25 - How to Close Wasted Gaps Throughout Your Day

Creating productivity wins out of misused times

By Armaan Athwal

How to Close Wasted Gaps Throughout Your Day

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 5 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Optimize every minute: Closing the gaps in your daily routine

  • Strategies for maximizing your time

  • Quote of the day

Closing the Gaps

Many people, including myself, waste significant amounts of time throughout the day due to the accumulation of small time gaps that are spent unproductive.

In motor racing, there is a phrase, "closing the gap," which refers to the process of a driver reducing the distance between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead. This term is often used to describe a competitor who is catching up to the leader or another car in front of them.

In racing, this is the only way to win. You cannot win without closing the gap, and if you are in the lead, you need to increase the gap behind you.

I love this phrase in terms of productivity because if you close the gaps that you waste throughout your day, you start to win.

This means that you should substitute those few minutes every so often for something beneficial rather than wasting them. Through intentional activities or tasks, you can fill in these little gaps and increase your productivity throughout the day. This method guarantees that no second is wasted, which eventually results in increased productivity and success in your everyday tasks.

Strategies for Maximizing Your Time

There are many different approaches that you can use to get more value out of the limited time you have in the day.

Certain techniques may work better for you than others, based on your specific circumstances and needs. You can improve your productivity and feel more satisfied with the way you manage your time by exploring these different techniques and finding strategies that fit with your preferences and goals.

1. Consider the times that are misused.
By actively identifying and acknowledging each moment of misused time, you are more likely to start considering better uses of your time. This awareness prompts a shift in mindset towards recognizing opportunities for productivity in what might otherwise be wasted moments. It encourages proactive planning and decision-making, leading to more intentional choices about how time is spent throughout the day. For example, being aware of endlessly scrolling through social media can help you to redirect that time towards tasks with more importance.

This approach not only increases efficiency but also creates a habit of continuous improvement in time management, ultimately contributing to greater effectiveness in achieving goals.

2. Utilize the Pomodoro technique.
Use the Pomodoro technique to maintain focus and productivity. Instead of constantly checking your phone every few minutes or when distracted, this method involves scheduling focused work periods followed by short breaks.

By implementing this structured approach, you effectively utilize your time by dedicating specific intervals to concentrated work and ensuring that even small gaps in your day are used productively. This reduces the tendency to waste time on sporadic distractions and enhances overall efficiency throughout your daily routine.

By scheduling frequent breaks at regular intervals, such as a typical 25-minute work period followed by a 5-minute break, you become more aware of upcoming breaks. This awareness reduces the temptation to waste time between tasks, enhancing your overall workflow and productivity during work periods. Essentially, having the mindset of work now to get a better and more deserving break later.

3. Create a list of short tasks.
If you find yourself with small chunks of time that aren't being used effectively, consider creating a task list consisting of activities that can be completed in short bursts, ranging from a few minutes to 15 minutes. By doing so, you can steadily tackle these small, nagging tasks rather than letting them accumulate for later.

This can include work-related tasks such as writing an email, or activities for your well-being like doing breathing exercises.

4. Organize and review your task list.
Organizing your time is always a straightforward and productive use of your time. Regularly reviewing your task list enhances your understanding of upcoming priorities and tasks, allowing you to be more prepared and efficient in your daily activities.

This practice ensures that you stay focused on important goals and maintain clarity on what needs to be accomplished next. It's a proactive approach that helps streamline your workflow.

5. Replace wasted time with something of more value.
During periods of downtime or in-between times, aim to replace them with something beneficial.


  • During your commute, engage in listening to a podcast or audiobook that interests you.

  • Between meetings, consider reading a book related to personal or professional development.

  • Using short breaks for mindfulness or stretching exercises enhances focus and physical well-being. Personally, my favorite activity is going for a walk, as it serves as a great reset for me.

Quote of the Day

“My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” - Steve Jobs

In order to devote your time to the things that are most important to you, learn how to successfully manage your time.