#42 - From Theory to Practice

70/20/10 Framework

By Armaan Athwal

From Theory to Practice

View the archive: https://road2growth.beehiiv.com/archive
Approximate read time: 5 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • The learning triangle: 70/20/10 Framework

  • Applying the framework

  • Quote of the day

The Learning Triangle

With the amount of different learning methods and resources available today, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. We’re bombarded with courses, books, podcasts, and expert opinions on the best ways to learn. But when it comes down to it, how much of that actually sticks? More importantly, how much of it translates into real-world skills?

Learning isn’t just about cramming information into your brain—it’s about integrating that knowledge into real life. Enter the 70/20/10 framework, a simple yet profound way to think about how we learn. You’ve probably heard the phrase “learning by doing.” Well, this is that idea, broken down into a structure that helps you not only understand how you learn but also optimize it.

In this framework, 10% comes from formal learning. Think lectures, books, courses, and structured training sessions. It’s important, yes, but it’s only a small slice of the pie. This is the foundation, the knowledge that gets you started, but it’s not where the majority of your growth will happen.

Although constantly being in a learning mindset is beneficial, it can be a waste if it’s not applicable. Staying in this constant state of formal learning without moving on to the next steps can actually be a form of mental masturbation.

You’re engaging your mind, sure, but you’re either afraid to take the next step or stuck in a loop where acquiring more information makes you feel ready. But here’s the thing—you will never be fully ready. So you must move on to the other steps.

Then there’s the 20%. This is the learning that comes from others—mentors, peers, or anyone who’s walked the path before you. Watching how they handle challenges, listening to their stories, or even just having casual conversations can provide insights that formal education can’t.

The beauty of this 20% is that it’s relational. It’s about connection. You’re not just absorbing information; you’re seeing it in action, and that makes all the difference.

Finally, the last 70% of your learning comes from doing the actual work. This is where the magic happens. It’s in the messy, unpredictable, hands-on experiences where you truly start to understand how things work. Whether you're coding, designing, leading a team, or starting a business—this is where theory meets reality. It’s where you make mistakes, pivot, and ultimately, grow.

Applying the Framework

So, how do you apply this framework in real life? Let’s break it down.

First, invest in the 10% wisely. Take courses that matter, read books that resonate, and attend workshops that align with your goals. But remember, this is just the starting point. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that learning is only about consuming content. The key is not to get stuck here—use this formal learning as the foundation for everything else.

Next, seek out the 20%. Find mentors and peers who can guide you. This doesn’t have to be a formal mentorship program—sometimes the best learning happens in casual settings. Surround yourself with people who challenge you, who are a few steps ahead, and who can offer perspective. Learning isn’t just about taking in new information; it’s also about seeing how others navigate similar challenges. Their experiences become a reference point for your own journey.

Finally, embrace the 70%. This means getting your hands dirty. If you want to learn something new, whether it’s a skill or a concept, find ways to practice it in real scenarios. If you’re learning to code, start building projects. If you’re diving into entrepreneurship, start small and iterate. The key is to throw yourself into situations where you have to apply what you’ve learned. This is where real growth happens, and it’s where you start connecting dots that formal education can’t.

The 70/20/10 framework isn’t a rigid rule—it’s a guide. It reminds us that true learning and growth come from a blend of doing, connecting, and understanding.

It’s a framework that encourages you to step out of the classroom and into the real world, to seek out relationships that challenge you, and to build a foundation of knowledge that supports your journey.

Quote of the Day

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” - Aristotle

Learn → Observe → Execute

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