#43 - Stuck?


By Armaan Athwal


View the archive: https://road2growth.beehiiv.com/archive
Approximate read time: 4 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Breaking Through with Catalysts

  • Catalyst in Action

  • Quote of the day

Breaking Through with Catalysts

“There is nothing permanent except change.” — Heraclitus

Change is inevitable. It happens every single day, whether we’re ready for it or not. It’s an undeniable part of life, moving forward with or without our choice.

But while we can't control change in its entirety, we can steer its course when we choose to take it into our own hands.

Before any significant shift in life—whether it’s stepping into a new chapter or undergoing a major transformation—we often find ourselves in a state of limbo. It's that space where we feel stuck, teetering on the edge of something new but unsure how to move forward. It's frustrating, like being on the brink of a breakthrough but not quite knowing how to push through.

This is where catalysts come into play.

A catalyst is an event, a moment, or even a person that accelerates change. It’s that spark that ignites the fire and propels you from where you are to where you need to be. Catalysts are the forces that push the story of our lives forward.

Some catalysts are beyond our control—like a sudden life event, an unexpected opportunity, or a chance encounter. These are the things that hit us out of the blue and change our trajectory almost instantly. But there are also catalysts that we can cultivate. These are the moments we create when we intentionally seek out change, when we take bold steps toward our goals, even when the path isn’t entirely clear.

For me, one major catalyst was taking the step to create this newsletter, Road to Growth. Just by starting it, I was forced to take direction. It sparked a desire in me to become better, to actively seek change and new perspectives.

Catalyst in Action

Consider the moments in your life where you've experienced significant growth. Chances are, there was a catalyst involved. Maybe it was a book you read that completely changed your perspective. Maybe it was a mentor who challenged you to think bigger. Or perhaps it was a decision you made to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk.

Catalysts can be subtle or monumental, but their impact is undeniable. They’re the turning points in our lives—the moments when everything starts to shift.

So, how do we harness the power of catalysts?

First, recognize that catalysts are often the result of action. Waiting around for something to happen might keep you in that limbo state indefinitely. Instead, create the conditions for a catalyst to occur. Push yourself into new situations, seek out new experiences, and surround yourself with people who challenge you.

Second, be open to the unexpected. Not all catalysts are planned, and sometimes the most powerful changes come from the most surprising places. Stay curious, and don’t be afraid to embrace the unknown.

Finally, understand that catalysts are rarely easy or comfortable. They often require us to confront our deepest fears, let go of what’s familiar, and take a leap into the unknown. In fact, a clear sign that you're encountering a catalyst is that feeling of discomfort—the uneasy sense that you’re stepping outside your comfort zone.

Catalysts are the drivers of change.

Quote of the Day

“According to the Law of Cause and Effect, every effect must have a cause. In other words, everything that happens has a catalyst; everything that came into being has something that caused it. Things don't just happen by themselves.” - Ray Comfort

Create action and the rest will fall in place.

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