#48 - Why Most People Quit Right Before Success

Lack of results

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By Armaan Athwal

Why Most People Quit Right Before Success

View the archive: https://road2growth.beehiiv.com/archive
Approximate read time: 5 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Why we stop when results aren't immediate

  • How to keep going when you don’t see it

  • Quote of the day

The Pursuit of Results

I’ve been reflecting on why so many of the things I start eventually fade into the background. There’s an initial surge of excitement, a passion that pulls you in, but then, over time, it fizzles out.

I've realized it primarily comes down to one main factor: the lack of visible results.

Results drive us. They validate the effort, confirming that what we’re doing holds value and is worth continuing.

This is true for everything we engage with. Whether we realize it or not, we’re always seeking some form of outcome, even if it’s one we didn’t consciously set out to achieve.

Take video games, for example. On the surface, you might think you’re playing purely for enjoyment, to relax, or to compete. But even those are results in themselves—moments of satisfaction, feelings of accomplishment, or just the simple joy of entertainment.

The emotions you get from gaming create a sense of purpose, making the time spent feel worthwhile. But what happens when those emotions aren’t there?

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The Danger of No Visible Progress

When we don't see progress—whether it's in our careers, relationships, or even hobbies—it can feel like we're spinning our wheels. The excitement that once pushed us forward begins to fade, and without visible results, the passion that once burned bright starts to flicker out.

This is where most people stop. The drive fades because there’s no clear reward in sight. But here’s the thing: just because you can’t see the results doesn’t mean they’re not happening.

Often, results are delayed. Progress is invisible until one day, it becomes undeniable. It’s consistency that eventually leads to a breakthrough.

Even with this newsletter you’re reading right now, there have been many moments when I questioned whether I should keep going because I wasn’t seeing the results I had hoped for. But in those moments, I remind myself of a few key things:

  1. What is the true purpose behind what you're doing? If your purpose is clear, it becomes your anchor, keeping you grounded when results aren’t immediate.

  2. Are you focusing on what truly matters? It’s easy to get caught up in tasks that feel productive but don’t create real impact. Sometimes, the work you're doing is related but not essential. Ask yourself: Am I concentrating on what will move the needle?

  3. Are you giving it enough time? Progress rarely happens on the timeline we expect. Sometimes, what you need most is patience. Sustainable success comes from giving things time to grow.

We quit because we don’t feel the shift happening soon enough. But often, progress is happening beneath the surface, waiting for that one last push to break through. The key is staying consistent long enough to let the results catch up to your efforts.

Quote of the Day

As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.” - Denis Waitley

You might not see the results right away, but it will happen as long you’re persistent.

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