#2 - The Power of Consistency

Create repetitive action

By Armaan Athwal

The Power of Consistency

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 6 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Controlling your environment

  • Creating a plan

  • Making that plan turn into reality

  • Embrace the endless race

  • Quote of the day

Controlling your variables = Consistency

In the realm of consistency, controlling your variables stands as the cornerstone of progress and achievement. Much like in science and stats, the combination of keeping your variables controlled and having as many trials as possible is crucial for obtaining reliable and meaningful results.

In life, maintaining control over variables and conducting numerous trials through consistent action is similarly fundamental. By carefully managing the variables within your control, such as your habits, mindset, and environment, you can create conditions conducive to success and growth.

Controlling variables serves as a key strategy for achieving consistency. By identifying and managing the factors within your control, you create conditions that support regular and predictable behavior. Whether it's maintaining a healthy lifestyle, pursuing career goals, or cultivating meaningful relationships, establishing clear objectives and implementing structured routines are essential steps in controlling variables.

Through consistent effort to established practices, you can navigate challenges more effectively, minimize variability in outcomes, and build momentum toward achieving your desired objectives.

Your environment shapes your behaviors and influences your ability to achieve goals. It's natural for your surroundings to have a significant impact on your mindset and actions. Therefore, it's essential to place yourself in environments that support your objectives and cultivate positive outcomes.

For example, if you're striving to maintain a healthy diet, having a cabinet filled with junk food can tempt you to stray away from your diet plan. The mere presence of these unhealthy options can trigger thoughts and cravings that lead to lapses in your commitment.

By controlling these variables, you create conditions that encourage commitment to your goals. This proactive approach to managing your environment sets the stage for favorable outcomes and reinforces your commitment to success.

Create a plan

The only way to truly adhere to consistency is to have an actual plan in place. Having a plan in place provides a roadmap for actions. It can guide you toward your desired outcomes with purpose and direction.

A well-crafted plan outlines specific goals, identifies actionable steps, and establishes a timeline for implementation. By breaking down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, you can overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and maintain a focus on the incremental progress you make. A plan serves as a tool for accountability. It enables you to track your effort and adjust your approach as needed.

This plan should be a break down of everything. That way everything is set and clear.

Examples of what to include in a plan:

  • Clear goal defined with a what and why; what are you looking to achieve; why are you passionate and driven about this; what is the purpose; what does consistency look like?

  • What is your current situation; what are you currently doing that does not allow you to stay consistent?

  • What strengths and weaknesses do you possess; how can you leverage them to your advantage?

  • What risks might you face; how can you mitigate or manage them effectively?

  • List of direct actions to take in order.

  • Create a timeline and implement milestones; check-in with yourself and the plan to see where you are at; is there anything you can do better?

These are some of the important aspects and questions to ask yourself when making a plan.

Plan → Reality

Creating a plan means absolutely nothing if you don’t stick to it.

Executing your plan requires dedication, discipline, and consistent effort. It's about translating intentions into action and persevering through challenges and setbacks. By staying focused on your goals and following through with the steps outlined in your plan, you begin to bridge the gap between aspiration and achievement.

Ensuring consistent adherence to the plan requires regular check-ins. Keeping sight of the plan is crucial for staying aligned with your goals and maintaining momentum. By regularly reviewing your plan and tracking your progress, you can identify any areas needing adjustment. Set aside dedicated time to assess your progress and reflect on your accomplishments and challenges.

This approach is a chance to acknowledge the progress you've made and identify areas where you can improve.

The most challenging aspect of maintaining consistency arises when faced with adversity or setbacks. However, it's during these moments that the ability to adapt becomes critical. Adapting to unforeseen circumstances while remaining committed to your goals represents a significant milestone. It signifies a shift from merely adhering to a plan to embracing a mindset of resilience and adaptability.

Once you've mastered the art of adapting through obstacles while staying consistent, the game transforms into a matter of repetition. You've already demonstrated your capability to maintain consistency by persisting through challenges. Now, the focus is on repetition, honing your ability to stay focused and dedicated by doing your tasks over and over again.

There is no finish line

Use finish lines as milestones, not the end of a journey. The one who wins is the one that keeps going. You are in a endless race where consistency gets rewarded and growth gets compounded.

Consistency bring exponential growth in whatever you are doing.

Take a workout plan, for example. Let’s say your goal is to workout 5 times a week, but you always manage to skip 1 session a week. That’s 52 workouts you miss in a year. Imagine how much better you could be with 52 more sessions under your belt.

Quote of the day

"Sooner or later, the ones who told you that this isn't the way it's done, the ones who found time to sneer, they will find someone else to hassle.

Sooner or later, they stop pointing out how much hubris you've got, how you're not entitled to make a new thing, how you will certainly come to regret your choices.

Sooner or later, your work speaks for itself.

Outlasting the critics feels like it will take a very long time, but you're more patient than they are." - Seth Godin

Your persistence outshines skepticism, and eventually, your achievements drown out doubts.