#3 - Setting Intentions

Find direction in life

By Armaan Athwal

Setting Intentions

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 5 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Cultivating Values for Direction and Purpose

  • Put meaning behind your work

  • The ripple effect

  • Quote of the day

Cultivating values for direction and purpose

Often, we find ourselves caught in the routine of daily life, repeating the same actions day after day. This repetitive cycle can leave us feeling stuck and disconnected from our true selves.

External pressures and distractions pull us away from our passions and purpose, leading us to operate on autopilot. We lose sight of what truly drives us and what makes us unique.

Various aspects of life, such as work, school, family dynamics, and health, constantly demand our attention and exert their influence on us. It takes us out of the game at times. However, that’s one of the beautiful battles of life. It pulls us out of the present moment and it pulls us out of intent.

This is exactly why you need to have a set code of values and goals that you aim for. Something that helps you know the direction you are going is the right way. This prevents you from just drifting along.

Consider a pilot as an example. They rely on intention to navigate precisely, ensuring they reach their destination with minimal setbacks. Even just being slightly off of just a few degrees over long distances can lead them far off course, possibly resulting in insufficient fuel to reach their intended destination.

Even in moments of spontaneity and adventure, intention remains essential. It serves as the silent guide, nudging us towards experiences that align with our desires and values. Intention doesn't stifle spontaneity, rather, it infuses it with purpose and direction. With intention as our silent companion, we embrace the unknown with open arms, trusting that each unexpected turn holds the potential for growth and discovery.

In my personal experience, dedicating time to prayer, meditation, and journaling with complete honesty helps me with clarifying my core values. These practices allow me to delve deep within myself, uncovering the principles and beliefs that I hold dear. With this self-awareness, I navigate each day with a clear understanding of how my actions align with my values, and the potential consequences they may entail. This mindfulness empowers me to make choices that resonate with my values, guiding me towards a life of meaning and purpose.

Put meaning into your work

We often believe we have a set of priorities that guide our actions. However, our true priorities are often revealed through our actions rather than our intentions.

If you were to record your day to day life and then show it to a random stranger, what would they say?

Are you someone who’s actions clearly shows that they are working towards something or are you merely going through the motion of daily existence?

Take a moment to assess your approach. Are you cutting corners to save time or effort? Are your actions driven by external directives rather than your own convictions and values?

This outside perspective prompts us to consider whether we are living intentionally or simply reacting to external demands and distractions. This approach empowers us to make intentional decisions that honor our true priorities and aspirations. It encourages us to cultivate a life that is aligned with our deepest values and goals, rather than being driven by external expectations.

If you find that the work and tasks you are doing feel senseless, challenge yourself to find meaning and purpose in them. Seek opportunities for growth and personal development. Approach each task with the intention of deriving value and fulfillment from it.

Harnessing the ripple effect

Think about a moment of success or achievement in your life.

Consider the specific steps you took to reach that milestone, as they serve as a blueprint for future success.

This journey of self-discovery involves identifying our desires, listening to our inner voice, and intentionally crafting our path forward through purposeful action.

Acknowledging our prior successes and the strategies that brought them about gives us hope that we can repeat the same results in the future. Every success acts as a reminder of our capabilities and the influence of intentional action.

Setting intentions and taking purposeful action doesn't just influence one isolated task, it transcends into various aspects of our lives. From small tasks to significant projects, and from projects to our relationships, health, and beyond, the ripple effect of intentionality extends far beyond ourselves as individuals.

When we approach our actions with intention, we influence those around us in positive ways. Our intentionality in relationships creates deeper connections, mutual respect, and understanding. In our communities, setting intentions for collective goals can inspire collaboration, unity, and meaningful change.

Start embracing intentionality. The possibilities of its impact are boundless.

Quote of the day

“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.” - John C. Maxwell

Lead with intention, and you'll find yourself on the path to significant achievements, guided by purpose and clarity.