#4 - The Pursuit of Happiness

Don't wait to be happy

By Armaan Athwal

The Pursuit of Happiness

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 5 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Take time to reflect

  • Learn to love the process

  • Embrace the present

  • Quote of the day

Reflect on your Journey

Do you find yourself constantly waiting for the right moment to be happy?

How many times have you told yourself that achieving just one thing would bring happiness?

Have you ever convinced yourself that once you figure out a certain aspect of your life, then you'll finally be able to live life to the fullest?

Perhaps it's waiting for that promotion at work, starting your own business, becoming healthy and in shape, achieving a certain goal, or reaching a specific milestone in life. But as time passes, we may realize that the elusive “right” moment never seems to arrive, leaving us stuck in a cycle of anticipation and longing.

It's important to pause and reflect on whether this pattern is hindering our ability to experience joy in the present moment. By recognizing this tendency, we can start to shift our mindset and embrace happiness in the here and now, finding contentment in the journey rather than being fixated on the destination.

Finding Meaning in Work and Process

Here’s the brutal truth: Life keeps moving forward regardless of whether you choose happiness, pursue your goals, and take action, or remain unhappy, indecisive, and unsuccessful.

We must recognize that life isn't only defined by specific events or milestones, although it's often marked by them. Life encompasses all experiences, including the moments in between. It's about navigating through the ups and downs, the difficulties and the moments of ease. Ultimately, it's the journey itself that holds the true value and meaning.

In these in-between moments lie the richness of life, where growth happens, and memories are made. Embracing the process allows us to find beauty and meaning even in the mundane. It's through the challenges and setbacks that we learn resilience and strength. And in the moments of joy and triumph, we find inspiration to keep moving forward. Cherish every step of the journey, as it's these moments that shape who we are and define our story.

Finding love within the process is understanding that life is about work, continuous effort, and dedication towards our goals and aspirations. It's about appreciating the journey for what it is. It's about embracing the present moment and finding gratitude for the experiences it brings. Love within the process means accepting both the highs and lows, understanding that each contributes to our growth and evolution. It's about finding contentment in the journey itself, rather than fixating on reaching a destination.

The concept of work being a fundamental aspect of life is a story of ages. In the story of Adam and Eve, "the Lord God took the man (Adam) and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it" (Genesis 2:15). Just as Adam was trusted with the responsibility of cultivating the garden, we too must embrace the tasks before us with love and dedication.

Deferring happiness until we achieve certain goals or milestones neglects the joy that can be found in the process itself. By embracing the work at hand and finding contentment in our efforts, we can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose, appreciating the journey as much as the destination.

Embrace the Present

What steps can you take today to improve? Not tomorrow or next week, but today!

Focus on what you can accomplish in the present moment, as it's the reality you're currently living in. 

Instead of dwelling on the future, channel your energy into taking action now. However, this doesn't imply neglecting future planning, but rather, ensure that your current actions are aligned with your long-term goals and aspirations.

The key lesson here is to take action, whatever that looks like for your own circumstances and goals. Regardless of the outcome, simply taking action brings a sense of mental relief knowing you made an effort. Plus, every experience, whether successful or not, provides valuable lessons for growth. And if things do go your way, then it's a huge win.

Quote of the Day

“Many of us slog through life without conscious awareness or intention. We set ourselves a course and we barrel ahead, without stopping to ask whether this path is fulfilling our most important goals. That’s partly because many of us believe that happiness is not possible in the here and now. We think we need to struggle now so that we will be happy in the future. So we postpone happiness and try to run into the future and attain the conditions of happiness that we don’t have now.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Don’t waste your days postponing happiness for an uncertain future.