#5 - The Vitality of Breathwork

Inhaling inspiration, exhaling creation

By Armaan Athwal

The Vitality of Breathwork

View my site: https://armaanathwal.com/ 
Approximate read time: 5 Minutes

Today's Overview:

  • Finding equilibrium in every inhale and exhale

  • Breathing exercise

  • Implementing breathwork

  • Quote of the day

Equilibrium & Mindfulness Behind the Breath

The breath is the fuel for our body's fire.

It prevents us from losing control and helps us maintain equilibrium. To remain balanced, we must attune ourselves to its rhythm.

We find the harmony of life in the soft ebb and flow of every breath in and out. We can move gracefully and steadily through the intricacies of life when we are in tune with this innate rhythm. We find calm in the storm and stability in the midst of chaos when we embrace the breath as our guide.

As we breathe deeply and intentionally, we signal to our nervous system that all is well, prompting a shift to a state of calmness and relaxation. This conscious breathing practice allows us to anchor ourselves in the present moment, dissolving the grip of past anxieties and future worries.

Through the rhythm of our breath, we cultivate a deeper connection with our inner selves. With each inhale, we invite peace and clarity, while with each exhale, we release tension and negativity. This mindful breathing practice empowers us to acknowledge and accept our emotions without being overwhelmed by them.

We can learn to compassionately and calmly negotiate the turbulent waters of our inner landscape by accepting the breath as a guide. It becomes a constant companion on our path to emotional equilibrium and wellbeing, providing comfort and encouragement when faced with life's unavoidable obstacles. In this sense, breathing becomes a transformative tool for promoting our mental and emotional well-being in addition to being a physiological necessity.

Pay attention to your body's response in different situations, particularly those of stress, panic, anxiety, or anger. Notice how your breath naturally adjusts, whether it speeds up, slows down, becomes shallow, or even turns into panting. Our body's natural tendency towards homeostasis means it adapts to our breath patterns. In negative situations, this adaptation can lead to a loss of control, worsening the situation.

Mastering mindfulness and resilience to regulate your breath in the moment empowers you to take control of the situation, effectively bringing it onto your own playing field.

Breathing Exercise to Follow

Find a comfortable seated position with your spine straight and close your eyes if it feels comfortable.

Let's begin with a simple yet powerful breathing exercise known as Box Breathing. As you follow along, remember to maintain a steady pace of breathing.

Inhale deeply through your nose, counting to four. Feel your lungs fill with air and expanding with each inhale.

Now, hold your breath for a count of four. Embrace the stillness and calmness in this moment of pause.

Slowly exhale through your mouth, counting to four. Feel the release of tension as you empty your lungs completely.

Finally, hold your breath at the bottom of the exhale for a count of four. Embrace this moment of stillness before beginning the next cycle.

It is very important to find a consistent and comfortable pace of breath. Repeat this pattern for several rounds, allowing yourself to sink deeper into relaxation with each breath.

During meditation, strive to remain mindful of each breath. Count each inhale and exhale as one complete cycle. Keep your attention anchored on the breath and when you lose focus or disengage even for a split second restart your count. Challenge yourself to maintain focus, pushing through moments of resistance or when you feel like giving up.

Implementing Breathwork

I accomplished my first long-distance race—a 10-miler.

This achievement is huge for me, considering I'm not usually inclined towards running long distances. However, I've found myself developing a liking for it as there's a certain tranquility in pushing my limits and embracing the challenge.

One of my primary goals was to maintain a continuous running pace without stopping or walking.

As I reached the end of the run, moments of temptation to walk began to surface in my mind. However, I found relief by honing in on my breath. I entered a state of complete focus, zoning out distractions and immersing myself in the rhythm of my breath. With each inhale and exhale, I felt every bit of air entering and leaving my lungs, counting each cycle of breath to keep me grounded and determined.

I had nothing on my mind except for the steady cadence of my breath

Harnessing the power of focused breathing can serve as a vital source of strength, guiding us through moments of doubt and helping us persevere.

Quote of the day

“Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Through the rhythm of our breath, learn to embrace the beauty of each moment, find serenity and joy in the simple act of being present.